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February 26, 2009


I am so amazed at the entrepreneurial skills & innovative job ideas of the Aussies, ..specialising is so very important in this land. You need about 4 people from 4 different companies to repair a bathroom leak. (Honest to God, that's what happened to me) So specific are the skills that you probably will only find it under one heading per entry in the yellow pages. (Joking!) Here are some examples I've observed:
Wow! that is a new one for me. Especially since Jordie and I just recovered from lice invasion in our hair, this was a service that really drew my attention.
We specialise in prevention, detection and treatment of nits and head lice in children. No time to sort out those head lice eggs in the hair? Send the kids off to the Nit-picking service centre and u will have the problem out of your hair, literally
2. KITTY-SITTING: Imagining someone sitting on kittens. Taking care of your feline friends when you are away, purrr-fect!!
3. PERSONAL CHEF: This is my fave. What can be more enjoyable than having someone come in to cook for you in the comfort of your own home, they buy the stuff, use your kitchen, serve you first class, then clean-up and go? Table cloth + candlelight & decor thrown in as well. Prices can range anything from A$110-A$250 per person for a 3-4 course meal. Much like catering, except for very small crowd or even a couple/family. Will try this when I get rich....
4. ANIMAL CHIROPRACTOR: Yup, specialising in dogs/cats with athritic or muscle pains and needing physiotherapy or special massage.
5. ARBORIST (OR TREE-CLIMBER): An arborist, arboriculturalist or tree surgeon is a professional in the practice of arboriculture, which is the management and maintenance of ornamental or shade trees. Work can include tree surgery and also care of shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. They are not a forester, or loggers. Those professions may have much in common, but the scope of work is different. Arborists frequently focus on health and safety of individual trees, or wooded landscapes, rather than managing forests or harvesting wood.
Apparently for this job, u get to sit in a field full of ostrich in a farm and make sure that they didn't peck each other to death or get stolen. Any job where you can sit down, read a book and do absolutely no work is always a plus, but I've heard that these birds' behavior can get a little aggressive.
7. PET FOOD TASTER Obviously the doggies and pussycats can't tell you in English how good the food is or how bad, so, it has to be a human taster for their food, rite? .......Ok, will now start my job application....I probably need a cert or sit for an exam for each of those professions........

1 comment:

richrach said...

Thanks for sharing Chris. New to me too! It's funny!

oh... and looking at the ostrich pix made me LOL! :D