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February 27, 2009


It's baking day again, CHOCOLATE CHIP muffins today+ RAISIN muffins version Nice & fluffy, recipe googled out this evening and baked fresh. And lemme tell you why I bother to make muffins, b'coz muffins here cost A$4.50 per piece at cafes and usually quite dry and too crumbly for my probably get more flour than chocolate chips actually..... At the airport, it's A$5.00 per muffin (that's RM 12.50 mind you!) The ones you get at Cole's or Woolies can be about $1 each but just not my standard of muffin quality.
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup granulated white sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs (big)
1/2 cup butter (about 125g)
1 tsp vanilla essence
2/3 cup milk
1 x 11.5 oz pkt or roughly 1 cup of chocolate chips (milk chocolate ones nicer) /
if want raisins version, just soak a cupful with some milk for 1 hour, then pop it in right at the end.
Bake until rise about 20-25 mins 180F, makes 12 muffins, tastes good, saves lots of money and your kid is happy.


joshua said...

hehee...i'm sure the best muffin for jordie is mommy's muffin!

d'Lion said...

Looks superduperdelicious