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May 4, 2010


Went up with Tamborine Mountain on Monday, which was the Labour Day public holiday here. This time, with 2 other families, my visiting bro-in-law with his family and his in-laws' family from Brisbane. We were blessed with a nice day, with breeze and not too sunny. We took them to Heritage Wines, Witches Falls and Cedar Creek Estate, 3 different wineries. Witches Falls had by far the most equipment on site... as well as its own vineyards to boot. They had some nice flower plants in the garden outside the wineries...Here's some at Witches Falls Witches Falls had some really big tanks processing their wines at the back...I sneaked a few shots of their 'brew' cauldrons in the backyard.
More state-of-the art tanks these days... what to do, the price of commercialisation -need to ensure mass production to keep up with growing demands, ... Witches Falls Winery is small but pretty well-known for their unique wines. They have their own special charming concoction of dessert wine named Granite Belt Botrytis made with a special fungi & gives a pleasant uniquely sweet flavour.
traditional wine ageing barrels like these become curio artifacts on display instead..
Was surprised to see maple trees can grow at the Cedar Creek estate:They gave the place a nice autumny feel......with leaves turning yellow & golden. And that's as close to the 'fall effect' as it gets in Queensland. Cedar Creek is more "tourist-y" and quite a popular stop since it has a glow worm cave adjacent to the winery. We both agreed that this time of the year is a nicer time to come here..cooler and more scenic too.

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