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December 25, 2009


Have always had a fondness for fondue. We wanted to get a chocky fountain actually just for the heck of it, it was only $20 but sold out at ALDI, so we improvised for christmas eve dinner. Samuel decided that we could still use our small induction cooker with a tiny steel pot to make our chocolate fondue dip and so we bought some cooking chocolate and melted it and viola, very nice fondue for Jordie's fave marshmallows, bananas, nectarines,... strawberries very expensive this time of year, so we opted for rockmelons (cantaloupes) instead.
This was our Christmas dinner spread: seafood pasta, salads and smoked salmon+ of course the fondue.
The smoked salmon was simply divine. Very nicely smoked with delicate flavour and not too salty, with subtle crispy skin. We bought it from the Mudgeeraba Christmas Farmers' Market on the same morning from a smokehouse owner and it was a real yummy treat for us. After dinner, our 'Manna' neighbours from across the street, sweet Ann & Mike came across when they heard us singing carols around our piano and passed us lots of other sweet goodies like cupcakes and trifles... ooh overwhelming... . No, we didn't intentionally start out singing for our 'desserts', they just wanted to bless- again.. More than ever this year, I appreciate family, friends and all that I have. I am so blessed to be here today, with a loving hubby and son and thank God for His provision through all the seasons, and especially so for this season.


d'Lion said...

I love the excited look on Jordie's face. Blessed Christmas Samuel, Chris and Jordan.

Love Dan, Marilyn, Ashley & Andrea

Anonymous said...

The food looks yummy! Blessed Christmas and Sanctified New Year to you all.

Love...KS, Huisi, Isaac & Isabel.