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October 23, 2009


As mentioned in earlier blogpost : Episode 30, this really nice neighbour across the street has been giving us bread in generous portions. At one point, I was getting rather embarassed at her generosity. It seems her hubby buys these breads. I told her she needn't have to do this, but she says he just wants to bless. But maybe God is also using this to teach me the principle of receiving. To know that when I ask, 'Give us this day our daily bread..." he actually will provide - the big and the small.
The bible teaches that it is more blessed to give than to receive. When we give, it takes an effort on our part, but did you realise that for some, it takes quite an effort to receive too? I realised I had this problem because of pride. Whenever people gave me something or passed a compliment, I always wanted to give them back something in return so that I wouldn't be 'owing' anything. Now, I've come to realise it is all part and parcel of learning to trust in God, and see that He provides little as well as big favours and blessings through people around me. Also, if no takers, then no givers and then you stem the flow of reap and sow right? haha... So..thanks friends and to God for taking such good care of us.