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August 11, 2009


Seniors who have hearing problems ought to be banned from the roads. I support their right to drive, but please, get some good hearing aids and for goodness sake, look all directions before you back out of your parking space???!! Had a close one with one of these people today when I went easy T centre to get some stuff. While waiting for another car which was blocking my way, I stopped on the road a little behind this very old gentleman who was trying to back his Merz out of his parking bay. He didn't look and I knew he didn't see me, so I honked really loud, many , many times and still he ignored me and drove right into my front bumper!! Luckily it was just a soft thud as he was reversing very slowly so no damage just some slight scratches. Geez! Didn't even have the courtesy to apologize. ,,


d'Lion said...

Geez minor fender bender. Good thing it is not serious.

OCH88OCH said...

Jeez...are you a politician or what? If they are old fuddy duddy, they should act their age?