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May 10, 2009


Well, Happy Mother's Day it is today. What does it mean to be a mum? All I can say is I have truly enjoyed every one of those 7+ years with Jordan and thank God for a happy, funny, cute and affectionate child like him. I never used to be maternal but after I had him, had always longed for a 2nd child,... unfortunately it never came, so I am contented for now to settle for just Jordan and he has been a great blessing to me. Now at 7+ , he is demonstrating the cheeky wit of a 12 year old and throws back puns and jokes at me and we laugh together about lots of things and exchange opinions on almost adult level.
I also begin to appreciate my mum more as I get older because I realise it wasnt easy to raise 4 kids alone without a husband. Looking back at how she did it, I still marvel at her strength. I am embarrassed about the days when I complained about her cooking and said she didn't care. Now, as she grows older, I also realised she has changed, and instead of just giving out attention, she now also longs for it. She pretends she doesnt need it, the proud chinese traditional woman she is, but I know she wants her children around her- unfortunately we are kinda far away at the moment. So, mum I do love you even if I don't say it or show it the proud chinese traditional way. Everytime I hug Mum Beryl over here, I wonder why I can't do it with my own mum? But next time, when I get back, you will get your hugs, I don't care how embarassed you get, because it's what you've missed out on through all those proud chinese traditional years. Well, from one mum to the other, whoever is reading this, Happy Mother's Day!


d'Lion said...

Happy Mother's Day Chris.

chosenjade said...

blessed mother day to you! you are simply the best !