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February 19, 2010


Whew, glad that was over! The talk went very well and the kids from both classes had a great time. I think the teachers enjoyed the information about chinese culture too. The powerpoint software behaved very well and everything went smoothly. Thank you God!
Had a nice chat with Jordan's teacher, and found she had travelled to many countries including Korea and China, so she was very familiar to Asian culture. She was very helpful and even taught me some new tricks for powerpoint. Even at the beginning of the presentation, I found that most kids here were very exposed to chinese culture and they were certainly interested to know more.
I also found the Aussie kids here don't just sit quietly and listen to you talk. They participate very actively in the classroom and treat the talk like a discussion. From an Asian perspective, it would seem rude to put up your hands and ask questions in the middle of a talk, but it is perfectly acceptable here. So, my talk went on longer than expected... busily answering questions as I went on each slide.. Jordie very sportingly wore a traditional chinese costume for them to see.
I think they enjoyed the 2 quiz questions at the end to try for the angpow prize!! They also had a great time munching on the keropoks and squishy konyakku jelly. So, yup glad it pulled off well and I probably won't be doing this for quite a while...

1 comment:

joshua said...

Kudos to mummy and Jordie. Gong Xi. Gong Xi.