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September 22, 2008


Pastor Dexter & Lily are in town this week. On Sunday, (21 Sept) Beryl organised a worship gathering& fellowship at her place. Great time of fellowship, sharing and worshipping together. Present were 15 adults and 1 kid (Jordie) including : Mum Beryl, Neil Falcke, Sue McBeath, her friend, Stella, Caroline & David Rowland, myself & Samuel, the pastors, as well as Karen & Peter Young. Bill,(the one who prayed for us and welcomed us to this land in January when we 1st met him, very special to us) an ex-missionary to Ethiopia who is now helping with a church in Gold Coast was also there as well as Trudy, Beryl's neighbour. Not forgetting Kerrie, who has apostolic calling to Fiji and mentors the Fiji church.
Come to think of it, we had a mixed representation in that gathering: pastors, worship leaders, intercessors, prophets, apostles, marketplace apostles, government ... hmm God gathers His people together.
The message: Pastor Dex shared on how he felt there needs to be a repairing of the walls, the altar and the vessel in Australia. We need to know that the church are the walls of this city, the altar is our commitment and worship before Him and the vessel, ourselves and our lifestyles before God. Repairing and rebuilding is crucial before anything major can take place.
They also welcomed Dexter & Lily to the land, and prayed for them to minister here. That is awesome, to see them being received, loved and respected by people in Gold Coast.

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