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September 15, 2008


Had a small lunch party cum house dedication yesterday after church. Cooked some chicken kurma curry, fried rice, chicken wings and served some lemonade and crackers and cheese for starters. Carrot cake with cream cheese topping (failed, because too holey, but they liked it anyway prob because of cream cheese!) We invited Neil, Beryl, Sue and Ken McBeath. They loved the kurma (not too spicy for the oz tastebuds, I guess but tasty enuff)+ chinese style chicken wings.
Neil was so sweet, he prayed for every single part of the house including the stairs which is all the way straight down and rather steep. He prayed for safety in the house and inspiration and encouragement for everyone including any future visitors. So, whoever gets to stay here in future, you know you will enjoy some of that blessing that went forth! We watched a short recording of the 'Shout to the Lord' recording which was sung by the american idols last year. They had never seen it before and it was, I think, a moment of pride for the Aussie spirit because this song came out from down under and was broadcasted live worldwide on that day.
We also prayed for Ken, Sue's husband, who would be going for a minor operation this week. It was a strange kind of dejavu because about 7 years ago, we also had a gathering with the same people in Beryl's house when we first visited Gold Coast in year 2001, when I was 3 months' pregnant. It was as if we had come one full cycle. I brought a picture taken of it and they were so surprised to see themselves in the picture. Neil now minus his moustache and most of his curly hair...
We felt that even though we were going to be in this house for a year or less, it is still going to be our home base for now, anyway in everything give thanks! and so we are thankful we have a place to call home until the next address pops up.
Oh ya, I just realised we just Malaysianised our aussie friends that day. They took off their shoes, all of them when they came in, and then they 'ta pau' food back, haha!
This week, Pastor Lily and Dexter will be visiting. They will be our official first guests in Australia and we are honored to host them.


chosenjade said...

so after dedication, Hotel is officially blessed and open !!
the food sounds great !!!

CHRIS ONG said...

ya la, when u wanna check in? Nice beaches, and handsome dudes here la

richrach said...

your house look very comfy.... aku pun nak chk in... tapi... no budget ler...

d'Lion said...

Inquiry bout the home, room, toilet, food... :-P