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September 6, 2008


Yesterday was Samuel's 1st preaching assignment in GC- to a church called Healing Life Ministries. It was headed by Pastor Mark Trent, whom we met at Karen's party and is actually her dad. He invited us to minister at his church. Unfortunately, it was in the afternoon and on a school day - Friday.. I could not make it as Jordan had school on that day and one of us needed to be around to pick him up.
At first, Samuel planned to take the bus there. family lifestyle is not easy in a big place like GC. How -lah, I'm thinking? I needed the car to pick up Jordan and it looked likely to rain. I knew he didn't dare ask me to drive him there and drive all the way back myself. Why not? Because I am just a hopeless dude at road maps and sense of direction. And Paradise Point was way up north, unventured territory for both of us. Oh well, anyway, he was late so , I still ended up having to drive him there, drop him off and drive back again.
Samuel told me the meeting was very good. He preached about CHANGE and on renewing the old wineskins to hold the new wine. Not a new message but somehow it touched them. He told me almost everybody responded at altar call, around 25-30 people. Hungry for God or just fresh revelation? God's timing and ready hearts, I guess.
After the meeting, Samuel waited at the bus-stop to catch the next bus home. He told no one he needed a ride. A guy who was one of the congregation was surprised to see him there.
He asked "What's an important guy like you doing catching a bus?" Yes, Lord, we need to be humble or we will never see your face. Not an easy arrangement going up to a place so far, but we believe God sowed something there that day.

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