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July 29, 2008


Poor injured piano! CERTAINLY IS. When your stuff in container has been delayed, and after 20 days of being resourceful with cooking utensils, yes, it feels like christmas morning when the container truck finally arrives at your doorstep and you open boxes and stuff that is familiar to you, ... But horrors! My digital piano, which I had to bring here and pay extra RM400 for passage had one leg broken. I was upset. Not the 1st time it's happened. The last move, the other leg got broken as well and it brought back bad memories, because the mover in KL refused to do anything about compensating it. The replacement came out of my own pocket. This time, I was praying so hard that it wud be ok, and still it happened again!!!???? Aussie movers are not very helpful. Time and labour is everything. They refuse to do more than what is expected. So, what KL movers promised, (thanks UTS!!!) that they wud set up whatever is taken down was not carried out here, because the movers here said it was too complicated, they didnt know where the parts fitted. But sigh.. anyway, after the guys left, here I am with this piano and alone in the house with the boxes. It was like finally sank in, you're here dude, dudette, for good. Your stuff's arrived. You are SO in australia so get on with it.... I suddenly felt like opening up the piano to play some songs and worship the Lord and thank Him for His goodness. I was also suddenly reminded also that this will be a place of worship and waiting upon Him for new songs and new direction.. how I do not know. It was also as if God was saying, look unless the instrument of worship is broken, I can't use it.. Now... I've gotta go unpack, lots of stuff to sort out. .. and when I do eventually get to that camera charger, will post some photos... and so to those who believe Christmas is an all year-celebration , here's wishing you a blessed christmas in July, because today & everyday, He is the reason for all seasons . No expiry date. Posted by Chris Ong at 5:16 PM

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