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August 11, 2008


The past 2 weeks have been hectic, frantic hammering up DIY furniture (Study tables, bedside drawers, IKEA bookshelves) and setting up our home base. Samuel (Huan Seong)has been sweet about wanting to get everything in order and organising for stuff to be set up & boxes to be thrown. So, I am thankful he's around to help do up the place to put things in place. We took exactly 8 days to clear up 95% of stuff and unpack. of course with some distractions here and there lah, including opening of Olympics... 
We are also thankful that Jordan has found new playmates, and constantly in popular demand to be out there playing with neighbourhood kids. Flashing light sabres and zooming aeroplanes with his friends Liam, Anika and Tyler, he's happy, we're happy, ...
Aussies are nice and spontaneous people really. On Olympics opening night, this lady who lived across our house knocked on our door unexpectedly to give us some cheesecake. She saw our study light still on from her house and said they were celebrating Olympics opening, we hardly even know her actually. so.. that was a yummy surprise for our supper and Jordie's breakfast the next day...
Usually on Sundays, we wonder which church to head to. So far, visited 4 different ones, Genesis Church, which is where Mum Beryl & Neil attend, King's Christian Centre, a much larger and established church (canggih equipment, LCD visual effects during worship, disco lights and all) plus Integrity Church, a small family type church, meeting in a community hall in Palm Beach. All of them had their own powerful points, unique but definitely loving the Lord in their own ways. The 4th one is a home church - a Fijian church fellowship, which has a unique mix of Fijians, locals and Asians, comprising of some Bond University students and older ladies, headed by a Fijian woman named Vi and Kerrie (an Aussie white).
We enjoy Neil and Mum Beryl's friendship very much. Neil is quite a character and demonstrates what a true son should be to Beryl in every way. He puts all of us to shame. Yesterday, he went back after lunch to Beryls place to help her clip her toenails because she couldn't bend low enough to reach her toes. First he washed her feet, then he trimmed the toenails carefully then rubbed oil on the legs. wow, what pampering! Samuel added foot reflex massage as finishing touches. Beryl was overwhelmed by the attention.... she said it was double portion she received...!
Last Sunday, met up with Peter Young and wife Karen as well. We were very happy to see them after so long. Last saw them in January. During worship, Samuel prayed with Peter.  He's still going thru a rough court patch but he'll be okay, we know - because God is on His side. We had a good lunch together to catch up after church. 
Also had good fellowship with Carol and David a couple of times. They were very nice to cook lunch and invited us over. Jordan takes to David and Neil, the OZ men. He's at the age when he looks up to and bonds more with men. He also asked Peter if he could go to his house to see his dogs again. 
Carol and David will be visiting Malaysia this Nov to be part of the LRC convention at PD. They are very excited about it, especially to visit E. Malaysia as well. Carol's ministry is worship and David more in marketplace. He sells tents (literally a tentmaker businessman) for a living. I love Carol and her crazy passion for God. right now as I speak, she is in freezing cold Kangaroo Island doing identification repentance with intercessors for wrongs done to the first people tribe when whites colonised the land. 
Bill & Wilma, a couple who used to be missionaries to Ethiopia, are another special couple whom we had privilege to connect with. That is another story which involves faith and we'll see how it develops b4 more is told.....
Here's another boost to our walk of faith. Our house finally is getting sold, hallelujah! It has been a long and difficult journey for the sale of the Menara Duta condo, after a viewer toll of about 50 candidates, and leaving for Australia with this chapter unclosed, feeling also very unsettled about this issue, and wondering when is this sale ever going to happen, we received the call from our agent on 5 August. Yesterday, we signed our 1st letter of offer. 
That's just a little bit about the furniture, friendships & faith taking shape over here... the furniture may not last but we do hope the other two keeps going strong....


Becca said...

Wow! Glad to hear u got all your stuff already. Ur poor piano always gets knocked about. Hope u get the leg fixed soon. U need to let your nimble fingers glide on the piano n let that anointing out!

Hey, add my blog to your fave blogger pals!!

d'Lion said...

"knocked on our door unexpectedly to give us some cheesecake" ... it is like a scene on TV.

Mum Beryl really got good sons... +1 from Malaysia, sure lar get more attention.

Praise God the condo is gonna be gonedo

Miss you all, sniff sniff.

richrach said...

Great sharing!
Miss u all too, sob! sob!
err... how to play intro for "This Kingdom" ar??? hehehe...