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February 11, 2012


Most Aussies probably find telemarketers very annoying. Especially since there are hundreds even thousands of companies out there mining the same area at one point or another, it probably won't be unusual for a person to get up to 5 or 6 calls of this sort in a day especially if they had not delisted their numbers from the directory.

If any of you have ever been guilty of hanging up on a telemarketer abruptly or shouting or swearing at one, you need to think twice before you do that the next time okay? Why? Because nobody enjoys calling or intruding upon your time. We have a job to do and yes, it may appear to be annoying to you, but someone has to call people to get the message out there and to announce services or products. To minimise your pain and ours, here are a few "Thou shalt not's..."
  • THOU SHALT NOT pick up then hang up without saying anything, because we will have to call you over and over again because you see,you are not considered completely marketed to as a lead if we hadn't gotten the chance to come into contact with you! 
  • THOU SHALT NOT LIE OR HIDE. If you pretend that you are not that person, well, sorry! We will have to contact you again, until we get to speak to you. Anyway, what if you said the person doesnt live here anymore and I actually rang to tell you you had won $1 million dollars?? Big loss!! You'll never know what you just threw out the window...Be brave, acknowledge yourself...and if you pretended you are your parents, we can tell....I've lost count of the times when someone claimed the person I asked for was not them and no such person and when I said I had rang to offer something to them, they came out of hiding and really looked silly saying, "I am not interested." after that. 
  • THOU SHALT NOT be rude. Be polite and hear the person out. If you really don't have the time, spell it out firmly but courteously. If the telemarketer is pushy or inconsiderate, then he or she probably deserves to have the call cut short anyway. Swearing and giving verbal abuses only demeans yourself, not us. It shows that you have no other more intelligent way of expressing yourself than four letter words. Demeaning a telemarketer and his/her job isn't going to stop many others from still calling you. There are thousands of companies calling everyday, if you don't want the calls, delist your number. But look, shouting at us isn't going to solve this problem. It only makes your throat hurt, blood pressure go up and another individual demoralised. If you can't cope, just say no thanks and hang up...
  • THOU SHALT NOT say not interested on behalf of your parents. Sorry, we'll still have to talk to the parents even if you were given instructions to say not interested. And anyway, your parents may be interested, so give us a chance to talk to them. 
On the whole though, most Aussies are pretty polite, especially the older generation. Nice and friendly bunch, and sometimes wish you luck for the day. As for the rest of the bunch, TTYL! (Talk to you later)

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