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January 13, 2011


Some call this the worst flood in Queensland since 1974- a disaster of biblical proportions. Lots of homes, shops, offices, schools awash and inundated in flood water in many districts of Queensland. Just 2 days ago, Brisbane got hit as well. Here's the clip of just how bad things can get. Man against nature, this is truly one of the best reminders of the fragility of humanity in modern Australia. My heart goes out to those who lost their homes, loved ones, pets, and belongings. In Toowoomba, a district not too far away from here, many people never took flood insurance because they thought they were living in high areas, non-susceptible to flood disasters. So, they were literally caught by surprise and left with virtually nothing. The clip of the cars floating down the river is in Toowomba.
Sad sight .. but then hey, somebody took the opportunity to have some wet 'n' wild fun at the end of the clip!!?? There's the oz spirit for you... ride the waves and the water, dude... coz tomorrow is another day...

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