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June 6, 2010


On the way to church this morning, we were so amused to see our favourite butcher advertising his wares in this fashion, getting a staff to ride on a bike at the junction where traffic lights were with a white t-shirt advertising 'BREASTS $6.99/kg' You see, initially they got slapped with several fines for advertising with the guy standing at the corner of the junction with the word 'breasts' which Gold Coast Council said was inappropriate, a traffic hazard causing too much distraction and too far away from their outlet to justify standing there. Lots of publicity over this issue but definitely caught the attention of the public. Don't know if sales increased as a result, but today, the cyclist advertiser sure caught the eye of the public again. And I must say, I am impressed with the creativity of the advertiser. Mobile advertising means wider exposure to different sets of eyes at different times.
Today, probably in their attempt to beat the system, the Mad Butcher (literally that is the name of the butcher shop) got our favourite 'breast man' to ride around with the sign on his bike. He stopped at traffic lights obediently, and pedalled across the street, to and fro, he went...looking just like any other innocent biker, except with this controversial 'breasts' signage displayed behind his bike.
And yes, we did go in after church (the shop is just doors away) and got our breasts (chicken) for $6.99/kg -all 3 of them. So, you see, advertising has its results...

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