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April 23, 2010


Beef risolles are one of the occasional dishes I make for dinner. It's really just a meat patty but with healthier stuff like vege, garlic and onions kneaded into it. Rissoles comes from a Latin word which means 'to make redden' and its version varies from country to country. The Australian rissole is generally made from minced meat without a pastry covering, but sometimes with breadcrumbs.
For my own version, all you need is some ground beef (500g) and some cornflour, salt, meat seasoning, pepper, minced garlic, onions and chopped up chives or celery, carrots, capsicum or any vege you like and mix it in with a little bit of oil. Sometimes, I crack an egg to make it stick better, then I shape it into little patties for frying or baking. If cholesterol is a problem,.. skip the egg. I like to microwave it for 1 minute first before pan-frying it so it takes less time and the meat is less dry this way..or you can bake it for about 15 minutes in the oven. Makes a nice dinner meal with salad + soup and it's quite easy to make too.

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