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April 15, 2010


At the risk of being labelled crazy and emo, I shall venture to share a strange dream I had sometime last week.
I dreamt I was on this street in open space with some stalls and peddlars, a common + familiar sight in M'sia. It was night time, pretty dark, but a stranger suddenly approached me and asked me to dance with him. Strange huh, I am not inclined to dance at all and felt awkward and shy, but he taught me the steps and pretty soon, we were coordinating our steps and doing the dance very well together. It suddenly felt like the most natural thing to dance this way - easy and smooth. Then when it was finished, everyone clapped and cheered. Next, he turned to me and asked me to follow him into a dark alley, very narrow lane, stretching onwards, like forever. I was nervous, should I, should I not? He led me by the hand and we went down the alley, but as I was entering the alley, another man called out to me, telling me don't go, to follow him instead. He said he had something better for me and enticed me with this gift, a box. I was tempted to turn back and follow him back into the familiar open space. But I said I wanted to see what he had offered first. I opened it and then found it was nothing I wanted and I threw it back at him. The other stranger aka my dance partner signalled to me that there was a door right ahead and I was to follow him. I saw a faint light ahead and so, I went on. I had to trust in someone I didn't fully know...
Weird dream huh, but I forgot about it till on Sunday at church, this song was sung. "Won't you dance with me Lord, Lover of my soul, to the song of all songs." It reminded me about this dancing dream and I knew God was speaking to my heart about His longing to romance and get closer and wanting me to follow him through that long dark narrow way into the open door ahead. He had a way out for me but here was I being tempted to get back into the open space of the familiar that I had left behind again. The other thing that struck me was: if this dancer was my God, how come I didn't know him, how come I didn't recognise his face? It was as if God was telling me ' you think you know me all this time, but you don't really know me." If this was true, then what has my relationship with Him really been all about these years? Who is my God and do I really know Him and trust Him all the way? Thought-provoking but also comforting to know He is leading me all the way down this path to that open door.
This video captures the very essence of what God intends in our relationship with in the Song of Solomons, nothing short of a romance. As christians, we forget this sometimes and plough through this life either living bravely as a warrior or busily going through the motions of what others expect of a 'good' christian. Ironically, God gets left out of the picture and we too often 'lose the plot' totally and what this whole walk is all about. Having danced and getting used to the familiar steps, when He takes you to a place of the narrow and says will you follow me and trust me, are you willing to do just that or is that tangible box being offered to you a better deal? Which will you choose? The alley that leads into the unknown with the one you trust or the stranger who gives you 'something better and immediate' and brings you back into your comfort zone again?
Ultimately, this isn't just about getting to that door, it is a journey of trust all the way thru and getting to know the One who will bring me to that place.

1 comment:

richrach said...

an amazing relationship we have with our Lord, aint it?

thx for sharing your dream.