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February 10, 2010


I don't know about other public schools, guess most schools would have this at the beginning of every school year to arrange for the parents to meet the teachers. Today, went for a Parent meet Teachers meeting which is considered standard practice at Varsity College for all grades up till year 6-7, maybe. They gave a short debrief on what to expect for the term on study materials and things to watch out for in homework, books, activities, etc. I heard that his class and 4 Melbourne, the partner class are one of the few that got fitted out for air-conditioning so that is a nice bonus for summer.
While talking to his teacher, I couldn't believe I actually heard myself volunteering to give a talk on Chinese New Year next week! What did I just get myself into? She was so excited and asked if the other class adjoined could sit in as well... yikes! 50 pairs of young eyes -have not done public speaking for a long time. Their project theme this term is called 'We're all in this together' which is a study on multicultural differences.
So, now here I am putting together something that is hopefully presentable for next Friday...Jordie said he might get a little embarrassed-he's at the age when he doesnt like questions from other children about his parents. I told him I would withdraw if he didn't like it. He said, okay, okay...he sorta liked it, guess didn't quite know what to expect about situations like these... oh well! I just thought it would be nice to lend a bit of support to the teachers' effort in doing the cultural exchange theme for this term - A bit of PR, if you like, doesn't hurt too these days. Plus, I wanted Jordan to be proud of his heritage and background, lest he forgets he's actually a chinese.


joshua said...

Nice theme!

Don't forget that a Chinese has his roots all the way to one of Noah's sons! ;P

chosenjade said...

First Genensis... then Destiny.. and now the Coming Out !;-) that is good. Am proud of you Chris !!