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October 20, 2009


Went to Ingrid's place, we finally met up after many weeks, at her place, which is really quite cosy with nice pool and jacuzzi under body corporate. She and her daughter were really a cute pair. Jordie got along very well with her daughter and even found his own classmate was her neighbour, so they had a blast in the pool, the kids. I just sat at the deck chair chatting with Ingrid. She baked a nice apple strudel cake for tea but we went out first for pizza lunch. Nice to just hang out with another mum, even though different background, but we enjoyed the morning together. She was so comfortable with me she didn't even worry about serving her burnt cake in torn pieces and I didn't mind! South Americans according to her are very big on food, now that's pretty similar to Malaysians. Relating heart was what I appreciated about her. She was 50 but still 30 at heart, she enjoyed being pretty, sexy and yet very motherly. Probably quite lonely too and admitted she needed friends. We talked about life in Australia, getting jobs, love, marriage, parenting and social concerns but it was getting late, had to go, Aww shucks went Jordan. I told her the next time to come over for chinese dinner at my place.

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