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September 14, 2009


After rushing Jordie to school this morning(almost late again!)-- I drove back and on the way, along the road, spotted this lady in bright dress with baseball cap and sunshades. She looked familiar and in an instance, I guessed she was Ingrid the Chilean lady. (see Episode 21)...... I pulled over and offered her a ride to Robina. She was so happy to see me again. We had lost touch since the last meeting. She said today was her birthday! Now, how interestingly coincidental! She wanted to buy me breakfast at Robina, but I ended up treating her instead since it was her birthday. We had a lovely chat at Michel's Cafe, my fave coffee hangout place and talked about life and hopes and children and Australian culture and fitting in. Amazing how two ladies who hardly know each other from different cultures can meet and talk like old buddies. happens only once in a blue moon. She said she believed this was a strange but nice coincidence that we bumped into each other on her birthday. Before she left, I felt suddenly the need to pray for her and I asked if I could. She said yes and hugged me. "Call me yes? This Friday, come to my house, bring your son and swimming costumes.." Strange how people come into your life, ..just like that....

1 comment:

d'Lion said...

Happy Birthday Ingrid