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August 23, 2009


Went with Leanne yesterday to Seaworld Resort hotel for a gig at a women's meeting for single mums. The event was called 'Inspire Me' organised by a group of ladies working with Lighthouse ministries. Leanne had been asked to sing for the participants and she'd asked me to help her play 2 songs.
We arrived just in time to set up keyboards and stuff. Most of the women present were single mums or in broken relationships and the event was to help motivate them towards creating better opportunities for themselves and to move on with life. I thought it so nice that they really pampered the women who were there. They had morning tea, free doorgifts, lucky draws, lunch and babysitting thrown in on top of having counselling and advice available for those who needed it. So, it was a good platform for single mums to mingle, get to know more people and encourage each other.
The songs Leanne sang were Brooke Fraser's 'Shadowfeet' and 'Without You'. We weren't pro's definitely but guess it was just a nice listening treat for the ladies and hopefully inspiring to them as well.
I do notice that Australia really has many social care support groups out there and rather generous government dole-outs for equipment, facilities and grants. Care and support is given to anyone from abused kids, teenagers, abused women, single mums, disabled, aged, poor, ... I think overall, they are a society quite well taken care of,,, however, I do still see lots of complaints in newspapers about how the government isn't doing enough yet. Yeah, these people should look at other countries and then reflect on just how good they have it here...seriously...

1 comment:

joshua said...


Look at other countries like those in Asean (exluding Singapore, of course).
