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October 4, 2008

Whale Watching

Off we go to Marina Mirage pier for boarding the boat ECLIPSE for our 1st whale-watching experience. Today is Jordan's 7th birthday, so it was an exciting treat for him. Muffins were available for breakfast, and he had two.
At first, the cruise wasn't too bad but after we passed the stone embankments, the sea got too choppy and yikes,.. we all started turning green. Poor Jordie could not take it, he was the 1st to vomit, followed by daddy, then mummy. Between the three of us, we used up 9 barf bags and lots of napkins!!
So as shown in pictures, we all looked pretty green, but we managed to still gather energy to enjoy the view of the whales doing 'breaching' (diving into sea, then flicking their tail upwards) - a courting or (ahem) mating ritual. Whales can weigh from 45-50 tonnes, and the females are usually larger than males.
we were told to make lots of noise to attract the whales towards the ship, so they would leave their 'date' and come to us out of curiousity...
INTERESTING TO KNOW: Now, here's the interesting trivia: the natural selection process is also quite amazing, dunno how true this is, but the captain told us, female whales select their mates by going for the strongest and largest male, and after she mates with the male, she goes on to find other males and if she does find one larger and stronger than the first, she will choose that one to mate with. So this natural selection process in pursuit of the best & finest genes for next generation continues... and we are told the male whale can send in at least 40 litres worth of sperm each round, a jet powerful enough to flush out all of the previous male's sperms!! Amazing....jaw-dropping.... WHALE-WATCHING is definitely recommended for 1st time novelty, but I don't think I want to go again..... and Jordan, my dear sonny boy....HAPPY 'BARF'DAY TO U!! He said he enjoyed it, but the only disaster was the barfing & throwing up....


joshua said...

Blessed belated birthday to Jordan!

d'Lion said...

9 barf bags... wow what an achievement.

Blessed birthday Jordan. Hope you had a whale of a time watching the whales.